Consumer Debt Collection
With over sixty years combined experience, National Collection Lawyers provides all kinds of debt collection services for commercial and consumer related debts. Our services are still the same for each kind of debt; namely we are responsive to our client needs and we get results. Our fee structure is also the same, as our fee is “contingent” upon collecting money for our clients. If we collect nothing, then we get paid nothing. The only expenses that clients generally incur are court/sheriff fee related expenses.
We often get inquiries from clients who have never had to use a collection lawyer before, so we will take them through the process. Depending on what kind of claim is involved, who owes the money, and how long the debt has been owed, we may recommend that a claim letter be sent, before filing suit. Sometimes a letter from a lawyer will get someone’s attention, rather than a monthly invoice that simply gets ignored.
The fact that you are looking at our website means either that you have never had the need to use a collections lawyer or you are not satisfied with the one you presently have. In either case, you have come to the right website. We are not just a law firm with a website that attracted your attention, but more importantly, one that gets results. Having a file sitting on someone’s desk does not generate “good business” for our clients or for our Law Firm; especially since we only get paid if we get results for our clients.

Free Case Evaluation
Those two little words are what debtors hate to hear. But its those two little words that produce results for our clients. By the time most clients reach out to us for help, they have made numerous attempts to get their bill(s) paid. Contacting a lawyer is the last thing that businesses want to do to collect what they are owed. We understand that. No one likes to pay attorney fees and other collection costs just to get paid for the products or services that they provided, which the “buyer” had agreed to pay for. We understand that, and we also understand that once a client hires us, they want us to collect what is owed as quickly as possible. Which is why our message to debtors is always the same:
PAY-UP. Or suit will be filed, without any delay.